Using Music for Transitions- Flexible Seating

We just returned from Thanksgiving break and it was so nice that our classroom procedures and routines are still in place. The students were excited to be back!   We change the students seats every Monday, so they walked in and found their seats quickly during our morning song. With flexible seating , firm management and clear expectations are an important piece of the puzzle. Students have to get their supplies and books for each subject/ lesson and they must get their items  quickly and orderly to not take time away from instruction. One of the best ways we have found is using music to structure the time they have to get their things and prepare for learning. The song should be long enough to allow ample time to prepare and to be used as a brain break. The students can get a drink, use the bathroom after getting their supplies out and share with friends. This gives them a time frame for the transition. It also allows the teacher to get their supples and prepare for instruction. It is something we will not teach without!

Cheryl & Ali